A new year and new commitment to keep our BBGB families updated with upcoming events, downloadable calenders/forms and ways to keep pace with our activities.
First for you, parents is our 2010 Calendar of Events! Available
In it, you will find:
1. Regular meeting days indicated in blue
2. Closures for exams and school breaks
3. Major events
4. Events which you will all be invited to be an active part of!
There are two special things which we are doing this year:
- Our Anniversary dinner! Finally, a time to get our brigade families since 2004 for a reunion celebration!
- Overseas Involvment Trip - something we've always dreamed of doing. To allow our Boys and Girls to experience meeting the needs of another culture first hand; through community service and interaction. It is a great opportunity for parents to share a common learning experience with their children.
You are our partners in development of your children. Thank you for coming aboard and staying through the journey.